Experts in bisulphite sequencing
Analyse methylation patterns with AllGenetics' bisulphite sequencing service
AllGenetics' bisulphite sequencing service includes both whole-genome bisulphite sequencing (WGBS) and reduced-representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) protocols. While WGBS detects methylated cytosines all throughout the genome, RRBS uses a restriction enzyme to enrich the libraries in CpG contexts, where most of the DNA methylation occurs.

Step 1
We isolate DNA from your samples. We have adapted different DNA isolation protocols, depending on the starting biological material.
Step 2
We prepare genomic libraries compatible with Illumina's NovaSeq platform. We carry out either WGBS or RRBS protocols in which DNA is treated with bisulphite. In the case of RRBS, a restriction enzyme is used to enrich the libraries in CpG contexts.
Step 3
We sequence the libraries using the Illumina NovaSeq technology. Millions of reads per library are obtained in this step.
Step 4
We analyse the high-throughput sequencing data obtained in the previous step.
For your convenience, we can carry out the entire project or only those steps you require. As a norm, steps 2 and 3 should be ordered jointly.