Experts in SNP data analysis
We analyse your genotyping-by-sequence data
Identifying and calling single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from genotyping-by-sequencing data (GBS) is anything but a simple bioinformatic analysis and includes several computationally-intensive steps in which the raw data must be processed to catch anomalies. At AllGenetics, we ensure expert assessment and state-of-the-art SNP genotyping workflows along with suitable computational resources for your project.
In our current workflows, we:
- Pre-process the raw high-throughput sequencing data.
- Map reads to a reference genome or assemble them de novo.
- Identify and call SNPs.
- Obtain a VCF file.

What you receive
The results of the bioinformatic analyses including demultiplexing, pre-processing and quality control of the raw data, removal of duplicate reads, de novo or reference-guided assembly, and the results of the allele calling in various file formats (VCF, phylip, and GENEPOP).
If you require additional analyses, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs.For instance, we can obtain population statistics as Fst, Fis, and expected and observed homozygosity and heterozygosity.