Experts in high-throughput genome assembly
We get your genomes assembled and annotated
Bioinformatic analyses for high quality de novo genome assemblies require considerable time, and high performance computational resources are often needed. At AllGenetics, we ensure expert assessment and state-of-the-art assembly workflows along with suitable computational resources for your project.
In our current workflows, we:
- Pre-process the raw high-throughput sequencing data.
- Normalise the coverage of raw reads.
- Estimate the best k-mer length for genome de novo assembly (using short, long reads, or both, i.e., hybrid assembly).
- Evaluate the quality and completeness of the assembly.
- Generate different visualisations of the results.
- Annotate the genome using intrinsic (or ab-initio) and extrinsic methods.

What you receive
A report with a summary of the methods followed.
The results of the bioinformatic analysis including demultiplexing, pre-processing and quality control of the raw data, and the contigs and scaffolds assembled along with the annotation file.
If you require additional analyses, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs.