Papers citing us
- Montesinos-Navarro A, Díaz G, Torres P, Caravaca F, Roldán A. Phylogenetic rewiring in mycorrhizal–plant interaction networks increases community stability in naturally fragmented landscapes. Communications Biology. 2019. 2(1):1-8.
- Doña J, Osuna-Mascaró C, Johnson KP, Serrano D, Aymí R, Jovani R. Persistence of single species of symbionts across multiple closely-related host species. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9(1):1-7.
- Ribeiro RP, Ponz-Segrelles G, Bleidorn C, Aguado MT. Comparative transcriptomics in Syllidae (Annelida) indicates that posterior regeneration and regular growth are comparable, while anterior regeneration is a distinct process. BMC Genomics. 2019. 20(1):855.
- Kulanek D, Blank SM, Kramp K. First microsatellite markers for the pine catkin sawfly Xyela concava (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae) and their application in phylogeography and population genetics. PeerJ. 2019. 7:e8010.
- González-Castellano I, Manfrin C, Pallavicini A, Martínez-Lage A. De novo gonad transcriptome analysis of the common littoral shrimp Palaemon serratus: novel insights into sex-related genes. BMC Genomics. 2019. 20:757.
- Blázquez-Pallí N, Rosell M, Varias J, Bosch M, Soler A, Vicent T, Marco-Urrea E. Integrative isotopic and molecular approach for the diagnosis and implementation of an efficient in-situ enhanced biological reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes. Water Research. 2019. 167:115106.
- Navarro-García N, García-Almodóvar R, Córdoba F, López-Pérez A, Jiménez-Alfaro Y, Pérez-Tornero O. Identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Citrus limon: the search for molecular markers. Acta Horticulturae. 2019. 1230:35-42.
- Castilla AR, Garrote PJ, Żywiec M, Calvo G, Suárez-Esteban A, Delibes M, Godoy JA, Picó FX, Fedriani JM. Genetic rescue by distant trees mitigates qualitative pollen limitation imposed by fine-scale spatial genetic structure. Molecular Ecology. 2019. 28(19):4363-4374.
- Le Chevalier H, Marí-Mena N, Carro B, Prunier JG, Bossu C, Darnet E, Souchet J, Guillaume O, Calvez O, Bertrand R, Barthe L, Pottier G, Martínez-Sylvestre A, Verdaguer-Foz I, Mossoll-Torres M, Trochet A, Aubret F. Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura. Ecology and Evolution. 2019. 9(19):11227–11231.
- Fernández-Palacios E, Lafuente J, Mora M, Gabriel D. Exploring the performance limits of a sulfidogenic UASB during the long-term use of crude glycerol as electron donor. Science of The Total Environment. 2019. 688:1184-1192.
- Matesanz S, Pescador DS, Pías B, Sánchez AM, Chacón‐Labella J, Illuminati A, de la Cruz M, López‐Angulo J, Marí‐Mena N, Vizcaíno A, Escudero A. Estimating belowground plant abundance with DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2019. 19(5):1265-1277.
- Silva AC, Ruiz-Ferrer V, Martínez-Gómez A, Barcala M, Fenoll C, Escobar C. All in one high quality genomic DNA and total RNA extraction from nematode induced galls for high throughput sequencing purposes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019. 10:657.
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- García-Vázquez A, Pinto Llona AC, Grandal-d’Anglade A. Post-glacial colonization of Western Europe brown bears from a cryptic Atlantic refugium out of the Iberian Peninsula. Historical Biology. 2019. 31:618-630.
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- Doña J, Serrano D, Mironov S, Montesinos‐Navarro A, Jovani R. Unexpected bird–feather mite associations revealed by DNA metabarcoding uncovers a dynamic ecoevolutionary scenario. Molecular Ecology. 2019. 28(2):379-390.
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- Gabián M , Morán P. A genetic tool for evaluating male‐mediated stock introgression in Atlantic salmon. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2019. 29(1):142-147.
- Gabián M , Morán P , Fernández AI , Villanueva B , Chtioui A , Kent MP , Covelo-Soto L , Fernández A , Saura M. Identification of genomic regions regulating sex determination in Atlantic salmon using high density SNP data. BMC Genomics. 2019. 20(1):1-12.
- Le Chevalier H, Marí-Mena N, Carro B, Prunier JG, Bossu C, Darnet E, Souchet J, Guillaume O, Calvez O, Bertrand R, Barthe L, Pottier G, Martínez-Sylvestre A, Verdaguer-Foz I, Mossoll-Torres M, Trochet A, Aubret F. Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura. Ecology and Evolution. 2019. 00(00):00.
- Chelo IM, Afonso B, Carvalho S, Theologidis I, Goy C, Pino-Querido A, Proulx SR, Teotónio H. Partial selfing can reduce genetic loads while maintaining diversity during experimental evolution. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2019. 9(9):2811-2821.
- Matesanz S, Pescador DS, Pías B, Sánchez AM, Chacón‐Labella J, Illuminati A, de la Cruz M, López‐Angulo J, Marí‐Mena N, Vizcaíno A, Escudero A. Estimating belowground plant abundance with DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2019. 00:00.
- Ruiz J, Carro B, Albaina N, Couceiro L, Quintela M, Barreiro R. A decadal study of biometric and imposex indices in two gastropods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2019.
- Carro B, Quintela M, Ruiz JM, Barreiro R. Wave exposure as a driver of isolation by environment in the marine gastropod Nucella lapillus. Hydrobiologia. 2019. 839:51–69.
- Perina A, Marí‐Mena N, Torrecilla Z, González‐Tizón AM, González‐Castellano I, González‐Ortegón E, Martínez‐Lage A. Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of the common littoral shrimp Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777) by microsatellites: Towards a sustainable management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2019. 29:528-536.
- Marquina D, Andersson AF, Ronquist F. New mitochondrial primers for metabarcoding of insects, designed and evaluated using in silico methods. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2019. 19(1), 90-104.
- Marquina D, Esparza‐Salas R, Roslin T, Ronquist F. Establishing arthropod community composition using metabarcoding: Surprising inconsistencies between soil samples and preservative ethanol and homogenate from Malaise trap catches. Molecular ecology resources. 2019. 19(6), 1516-1530.
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- Varela MF, Rivadulla E, Lema A, Romalde JL. Human sapovirus among outpatients with acute gastroenteritis in Spain: A one-year study. Viruses. 2019. 11(2), 144.
- Pérez-Cataluña A, Salas-Massó N, Diéguez AL, Balboa S, Lema A, Romalde JL, Figueras MJ. Corrigendum (2): revisiting the taxonomy of the genus Arcobacter: getting order from the chaos. Front. Microbiol. 2019. 10(2253), 10-3389