Jaime Morín Lagos (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) wins the AllGenetics-EMPSEB Award 2024

His talk on the phylogenomics of Pyrrhura spp. was chosen as the best oral presentation.

The image shows a banner with the name of the winner of the AllGenetics-EMPSEB Award 2024, Jaime Morín Lagos.

This year’s EMPSEB (European Meeting of PhD Students on Evolutionary Biology) took place in Puchberg am Schneeberg, Austria, organised by a committee of PhD students from different countries.

AllGenetics has proudly sponsored this event since 2012, offering the AllGenetics-EMPSEB Award for the best oral presentation at the meeting. The EMPSEB meetings began in 1995 and are now considered a classic annual gathering for doctoral students from around the world.

Jaime Morín Lagos, a Peruvian PhD student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, won this year’s prize of 500 euros. His research on the most comprehensive phylogenomics study of the Pyrrhura genus (Arini: Psittacidae) was selected as the best talk by the EMPSEB committee.

The AllGenetics-EMPSEB Award has recognised many outstanding researchers over the years. Jaime follows in the footsteps of previous winners:

The AllGenetics team is delighted with Jaime’s achievement. Jaime, we wish you all the best in your scientific career!