Experts in RNA metabarcoding

Diversity analysis of living organisms in environmental samples with our RNA metabarcoding service

With our RNA metabarcoding service we can identify organisms down to various taxonomic levels and compare the diversity among samples. RNA metabarcoding specifically targets the living fraction of organisms, as RNA rapidly degrades in dead individuals.

After RNA isolation, our lab team will retrotranscribe RNA into cDNA. Then, a workflow similar to that used in DNA metabarcoding experiments will follow.

This graph shows the different steps of the AllGenetics' RNA metabarcoding service. Therefore it shows a typical workflow of a RNA metabarcoding experiment, including RNA isolation, library preparation, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis.

Step 1

We isolate RNA from different types of samples such as soil, water, biofilm, sludge, etc.

Step 2

We prepare RNA metabarcoding libraries for the target taxonomic group(s) -bacteria, fungi, plants, protists, and/or metazoans-. To do so we first retrotranscribe the RNA into cDNA and then use universal or in-house-developed primer pairs.

Step 3

We sequence the RNA metabarcoding libraries using the Illumina MiSeq or NovaSeq technologies.

Step 4

We analyse the data obtained in the previous step to determine the taxonomic composition of the samples.

For your convenience, we can carry out the entire project or only those steps you require. As a norm, steps 2 and 3 should be ordered jointly.

What you receive

A report with a summary of the methods followed.
The raw high-throughput sequencing files, which will be delivered through our server, and the corresponding quality control report including demultiplexing and pre-processing (removal of adaptors, primers and chimaeras).

The results of the bioinformatic analysis including taxon assignment, read count per taxon, and the generation of rarefaction curves. If you require additional analyses, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs.
At no additional cost, our project specialists will be available to you after project delivery and during the editorial process of your scientific articles. We offer up to five 60-min sessions per project, depending on the project size.

Contact us for further information and pricing
